Have you been wondering about Fertigation Systems Drip Irrigation? Fertigation is the combination of irrigation and fertilizer to create the most ideal results. This method is sustainable long-term and totally reliable for sports arenas, landscapes, golf courses, and agriculture. Once you have done your research on the topic, you will want to install a fertigation system on your land.

At Turf Feeding Systems, we provide the world with fertigation solutions and land restoration through intelligent means. We want you to be getting the most out of your land while spending the least money and wasting lesser resources. We guarantee that you will be satisfied with the results of this smart drip irrigation system. Take the time to think about where fertigation can be applied in a useful manner and what equipment we have on hand that will suit your needs.

In this article, we want to address the different arenas that fertigation systems can serve, a little about our products, and the importance of having fertigation experts on hand.

Fertigation Systems for Golf Courses

How can we serve your golf course?

On a golf course, you’ll need consistent, regulated, and easily modified fertilization depending on the season and your needs. You’ll need something with a far-reaching effect due to the large size of most golf courses. This system will also need it to be customizable for different treatment of certain areas. Golf course grass is predominantly in place for appearance rather than function.

It is kept short and green to provide your golfers with the ideal experience.

We have the G1000 (and G1000 Acid), G2000, and G3000 for anyone who manages a golf course. Each of these is designed to accommodate a certain pumping power and are based on acres. The G1000 serves up to 150 acres, for example, while the G3000 serves up to 250 acres. Based on the size of your golf course and number of holes, you will need to choose between these.

Charting a New Course

You can prevent disease, patchiness, overwatering, and dead grass by using our simple fertigation system for your golf course. Your golf course is supposed to be amazing, not dry. We can turn your golf course into a gold mine through your irrigation system.

Fertigation in Agriculture

Are you in need of fertigation for agriculture and horticulture?

Fertigation started with farmers and horticulturalists. They discovered before anyone how useful it was to combine irrigation and fertilization. Before this, these were separate jobs that required time, physical labor, and money before fertigation. Using water through drip irrigation, it has been discovered that the water’s involvement, plants accept more nutrients.

As a farmer or greenhouse manager, you want to be able to boost your plant growth and health. Turf Feeding Systems can help you achieve this and defend your crops against disease and insects without toxic chemicals through fertigation.

Increase Your Crops

You want something that produces more growth without resorting to toxic chemicals and unsustainable business practices. You’re considering the long-term. We can provide the AG1500 or the AG2500 to suit your fertigation needs to help you with this. If you’re running a greenhouse, our H4000 is specialized to tailor your nursery applications to your individual needs.

Sport and Landscape Fertigation Systems

Think about your stadium and landscaping needs

The most important function of the grass when it comes to a sports field or stadium is the safety of the athletes. The grass has to be lush and without extra foliage growth that might cause tripping or injury. The thick grass itself will ensure that all the athletes take from a fall or scuffle is a scrape or bruise.

When you are managing a sports field, you want to be able to see the results of fertigation year round for every sports season.

If you are responsible for landscape maintenance, green is the color of success. Parks, cemeteries, large lawns or yards, and estate grass all need attentive maintenance and care.

Leading the Charge

We have the L200, L500, L600 and L750 & L1000 production systems at Turf Feeding Systems. These cover between 8 and 50 acres of land, depending on your selection. Your choice will depend entirely on the type of field or landscape that you operate. For example, the L200 or L500 would be appropriate for a soccer field. The L750 would be ideal for a big recreational park.

Leave It to Turf Feeding Systems

Turf Feeding Systems is the leading modern fertigator worldwide. With over 35 years of experience, these experts can ensure that, regardless of its purpose, you get the most out of your land. Installing or maintaining your fertilizer equipment improperly may lead to multiple problems, however, so make sure you have professionals on hand.

For instance, if you neglect one area of grass, you might find a patch of dead greenery. Furthermore, any damage to your land may result in a pump that does not function properly. Keep open communication with Turf Feeding Systems to maintain your land’s beauty and function. Our qualified professionals can assist you when you need it.

You and your land deserve to get the most out of our fertigation services. Remember, sustainability is the key to success, and the long-term effects are relevant now. You want to be able to care for your land properly and ensure further success. Keep your soil, plants, and environment healthy so that you never have to go back to failing land.

Contact Us

Turf Feeding Systems, Inc.

Turf Feeding Systems wants to help you master fertigation for your land. Give us a call at (832) 321-3311 to get started with this great project. If you would like to fill out a contact form online and tell us about your needs, click here. Once we have the opportunity to speak, we can answer all of your questions and tell you about how our product can improve the life of your land. Let go of the past and start thinking about the future. Start thinking about Fertigation Systems Drip Irrigation and how it can change the life of your land and the life of your business for good.