Cemeteries are special places for families and friends to visit to remember loved ones who have passed away.

Cemeteries have perpetual care, and the grounds should always be peaceful, green, and inviting places.   

The grounds maintenance, is important and costly, with labor being the most expensive cost.   Water, fertilizer, and chemicals are additional costs, which keep going up.

Cemetery quality should be top priority. However, most cemeteries do little except apply some fertilizer in the spring and again in the fall, and let nature do the rest.  Which means, the quality is good in the spring and in the fall, but the summer dry period creates poor quality, stressed grass, and weeds with dead grass.

Some cemeteries have irrigation, which helps, however water alone does not make grass green and grow.  Fertilizer grows grass and makes it green, but if it is only applied in the spring and fall, it does not support the summer periods.

Additionally, dry fertilizer is not very efficient.   It is applied in the spring and over 50% of it goes below the root zone, and is lost below the roots, no use for the grass.

We are turfgrass specialists for over 35 years, and we offer a better solution for irrigated cemeteries to maintain green, lush, and inviting cemetery quality all season.  We offer an automatic fertilizing system that installs on the irrigation system, and injects fertilizer into the irrigation water to make it sweet with fertilizer, like hydroponic greenhouse water.

Our system fertilizes the cemetery lightly every time it is irrigated, and grows the grass green and uses less water, labor, and fertilizer.    Our fertilizing system and special fertilizer can save over $1,000 per acre annually, and create the best cemetery anywhere.

The fertilizer program would cost only $240 per acre annually, which is less than half of any annual dry fertilizer program.

We have our systems on thousands of golf courses, thousands of sports fields, and parks across America.  We can make your cemetery the best green cemetery always, and save you thousands of dollars.

Let us help you create the best green cemetery for families and visitors.
