We are focused to offer the owner, manager or superintendent what they really want – A Green Landscapes, Sports Fields or Golf Courses using less water, fertilizer, chemicals and costs.

We have developed a Sustainable Program that brings soil health into managing landscapes, sports fields and golf courses.

We still promote the use of synthetic fertilizer and some chemicals but we also promote the use of ProBiotic organics, humates and other organic soil nutrients.

Soil health brings great efficiency to the use of water, fertilizer and chemicals.

Organic carbon is very important and few people mention it and fewer know much about it.

Open these links and read about it.



It’s easy to grow turfgrass or plants with good soil and good budgets. However, we work with golf courses, landscapes and sports fields that have poor water, no labor and no budgets.

We like a challenge and have experienced many outstanding successes restoring sports fields and golf courses with high sodium or high bicarbonate.

Boiling Springs GC in Woodward Oklahoma is one of these cases. Jeff Wagner restored the municipal golf course that was closed, before he was hired, after losing all their new bentgrass greens after a total renovation.
Jeff had little money, poor reclaimed water and a crew of only five, but Jeff has brought the golf course back to great condition in four months and his intention to become one of the best golf courses in Oklahoma next year.

Jeff did it by promoting soil health. He first sprayed and then injected a ProBiotic organic as well as high carbon humates to feed the soil. That built the soil health and made the soil happy. Happy soil will produce happy grass and his turfgrass is very happy and very green.

Mycorrhizae – “The term mycorrhizae defines a structural as well as functional association: A mycorrhizae is a mutualistic symbiosis between plant and fungus localized in a root in which energy (carbon compounds) move primarily from plant to fungus and inorganic resources (principally phosphate) move from fungus to plant.”

His common Bermuda fairways are, as he said “country club quality”. The golf course quality is becoming renowned, and he was interviewed by the Woodward newspaper on Friday for a feature article on Sustainability.

Soil health seems to be a secret tool that few use. But, there is a lot of science to prove and validate its importance.

Here are two papers by some groups you might know:

UNFAO Paper http://www.fao.org/ag/save-and-Grow/en/3/index.html

USDA Paper http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/national/soils/health/

We are only sharing ways to improve your landscapes, golf courses and sports fields, while using less water, less fertilizer, less chemicals and less costs. “Green for Less.”

Michael Chaplinsky

Turf Feeding Systems – Houston, TX – USA

We are focused to offer the owner, manager or superintendent what they really want – A Green Landscapes, Sports Fields or Golf Courses using less water, fertilizer, chemicals and costs.

We have developed a Sustainable Program that brings soil health into managing landscapes, sports fields and golf courses.

We still promote the use of synthetic fertilizer and some chemicals but we also promote the use of ProBiotic organics, humates and other organic soil nutrients.

Soil health brings great efficiency to the use of water, fertilizer and chemicals.

Organic carbon is very important and few people mention it and fewer know much about it.

Open these links and read about it.



It’s easy to grow turfgrass or plants with good soil and good budgets.  However, we work with golf courses, landscapes and sports fields that have poor water, no labor and no budgets.    

We like a challenge and have experienced many outstanding successes restoring sports fields and golf courses with high sodium or high bicarbonate.

Boiling Springs GC in Woodward Oklahoma is one of these cases.  Jeff Wagner restored the municipal golf course that was closed, before he was hired, after losing all their new bentgrass greens after a total renovation.

Jeff had little money, poor reclaimed water and a crew of only five, but Jeff has brought the golf course back to great condition in four months and his intention to become one of the best golf courses in Oklahoma next year.

Jeff did it by promoting soil health.  He first sprayed and then injected a ProBiotic organic as well as high carbon humates to feed the soil.  That built the soil health and made the soil happy. Happy soil will produce happy grass and his turfgrass is very happy and very green.

Mycorrhizae – “The term mycorrhizae defines a structural as well as functional association:  A mycorrhizae is a mutualistic symbiosis between plant and fungus localized in a root in which energy (carbon compounds) move primarily from plant to fungus and inorganic resources (principally phosphate) move from fungus to plant.” 

His common Bermuda fairways are, as he said “country club quality”.  The golf course quality is becoming renowned, and he was interviewed by the Woodward newspaper on Friday for a feature article on Sustainability.

Soil health seems to be a secret tool that few use.  But, there is a lot of science to prove and validate its importance.

Here are two papers by some groups you might know:

UNFAO Paper   http://www.fao.org/ag/save-and-Grow/en/3/index.html

USDA Paper http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/national/soils/health/

We are only sharing ways to improve your landscapes, golf courses and sports fields, while using less water, less fertilizer, less chemicals and less costs. “Green for Less.”

Michael Chaplinsky

Turf Feeding Systems – Houston, TX – USA


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