Green Landscapes and Parks

Across America green landscapes and parks are maintained and irrigated with by cities and communities by large crews mowing weekly.

Irrigation is the key element with specific irrigation crews moving from each property chasing broken sprinklers and pipes.

But, when the grass looks brown and poor the first thing the manager does, is they turn up the irrigation and water more.

Water is important, but water doesn’t make the grass grow or make it green. Nutrients (fertilizer) is really what makes the grass green and grow. Most managers over water and under fertilize and the grass suffers.
However, fertigation is the best way to solve the green problem. A fertigator connected to the irrigation system makes each drop of water sweet and rich with fertilizer so each irrigation is also fertilizing the grass.
This fertigation equipment is a great investment combining irrigation and fertilization to amortizing irrigation into fertilizing.

A fertigation system is the most efficient way to fertilize. Dry fertilizer looses over 50% below the root as a loss. An automatic fertigation system will reduce labor and save over $10,000 annually on any sports field or up to $500 per acre on large parks.

A Turf Feeding System is a great investment for any park, sports field or large landscape.