Food, Water and Energy are three very important issues facing the world.

World population will pass nine billion by 2025, yet productive farm land is diminishing worldwide.

Water & Soil Issues

Farms are facing issues with irrigation water being contaminated by sodium and soil becoming sterile by over use of chemicals.

Turf Feeding Systems, a Texas company, has a solution. It has developed a new program High Yield Growing System (HYGS) to increase crop production by 50%, while reducing water, fertilizer and chemical use by over 50%.

How is this done?

Michael Chaplinsky, the president states, “ We combine new and existing products and technologies to improve water quality, soil and plant health to create a growing environment that supports high yield plant growth.”

Michael continues,” We have a team of scientists, engineers and agronomists who are sharply focused on technologies to promote healthy strong plants. We are designing projects to implement HYGS into projects in Mexico, the Middle East and Africa.

Irrigation is critical for farming worldwide. We treat water in special ways with magnetic energy, probiotic biology and organic carbon to convert any hydroponic house, greenhouse or irrigated row crop into a probiotic sanctuary free of disease and pathogens that promotes maximum plant growth and crop production.

We are leaders in fertigation, irrigation, probiotics and organic nutrient together in a total HYGS program. Let us team with your greenhouse or farm”, Michael concludes.

Michael Chaplinsky

Turf Feeding Systems – Katy, Texas – USA