There is a Better Way


Millions are spent on pesticides and fungicides each year to prevent disease and insect damage, but plant health and age old natural oils can eliminate chemicals and save a lot of money.

Insects and disease are always attracted to sick, stressed or succulent plants.

Healthy strong plants have a natural defense. Sick and stressed plants send off a chemical signal telling the area – I am sick and come eat me.

The best way to prevent disease is to keep the plant strong and away from stress or succulent growth.

Wolves never attach the strongest elk in the herd. They always attack the weak, sick or injured elk.

Pesticides and fungicides are like chemotherapy. Chemicals stress the plant and hopefully it will kill the fungus or disease before it kills the plant. Sadly, after all the chemical use the golf course or farm is sterile of all the beneficial biology, and leaves plant to face pathogen disease biology alone.

Better Way

We have used a program of injecting Probiotic organic biology with each irrigation cycle to surround the plant and soil with beneficial biology. This over powers and destroys the disease pathogens and allows the plant to grow healthy without stress.

Insect Control

Don’t kill all the insects. We also use natural oils to push harmful insects away without harming beneficial insects. Cedar and neem oils have been used for centuries as a natural insect control. Bees and butterflies are pollinators and very beneficial, cedar and neem oil will not harm them.

Cedar Oil

Neem Oil Benefits

Whether you manage a golf course, sports field or a farm, there are better ways to eliminate chemicals and reduce your costs naturally.

Michael Chaplinsky

Turf Feeding Systems – Houston, TX – USA