High Yield Growing System for Growers

The crops industries are exploding across the US and fertigation is an important tool for growers to use with their irrigation.

The fertigation market has two types of systems. The low-end market uses low cost water driven injectors like Dosatron and venturi injectors with crude elaborate PVC piping and valves.
The other high end uses elaborate computer-controlled nursery injectors that are awfully expensive and complicated to operate.

We are in the middle of the market with high quality fertigation systems at an affordable price. We have been in the middle for all the other markets – golf, sports, landscapes, and resorts as well, and we don’t have any competition.

Our fertigation systems are unique, because we offer standard models, and systems designed specifically for any site, application, and budget. Our systems are very accurate, adjustable, and well designed.

We are working on several projects currently for both crops growers and expect more as the other states open.

We are excited with the opportunities ahead.

Michael Chaplinsky