Golf Course Fertilizer

Golf Course Fertilizer is thought to be special; however, it has the same NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) that most low-cost plant fertilizers contain. In reality, there is nothing special about golf course fertilizer. Instead, golf courses are turning towards fertigation. The term fertigation is the process if injecting liquid fertilizer and soil nutrients into irrigation lines to make irrigation water rich with nutrients. This process has been used in agriculture irrigation for over 70 years. Did you know that fertigation can inject any blend of liquid fertilizer on the golf course?

Golf Courses

Some golf superintendents want to apply different fertilizers to the greens, tees, and fairways, and fertigation can do that without labor. Many golf course may use time-release fertilizers, but time release dry fertilizer is very expensive. Instead of time-release fertilizers, fertigation can lightly apply low-cost liquid fertilizer. Which is more accurate and half the cost. Research shows that 80% of any high-cost golf course fertilizer is lost below the root zone (lost to the plant) and never available for the plant. Fertigation delivers 95% of the fertilizer to the plant. Less than 5% loss. This research proves that fertigation is the new technology that is needed for golf courses.

Fertigation is Above the Rest

Fertigation is better to use than other fertilizers for a multitude of reasons. Dry fertilizer is applied by broadcasting it across the golf course two or three times a year. And applied to the greens monthly, at a great cost in labor and equipment expenses. Special liquid golf course fertilizers are spray applied to the greens monthly at great cost in labor and equipment cost. Fertigation can apply any liquid fertilizer to the golf course or greens or tees accurately and lightly with each irrigation cycle without labor or equipment expenses.

Because of this, fertigation can save any golf course 50% to 70% of fertilizer costs without any labor or equipment expense. Fertigation is becoming the way for golf courses to be able to fertilize the grounds in the most efficient and cost-effective way. Did you know that golf courses spend $25,000 to over $100,000 on fertilizer annually? So, why not save that money and invest in a fertigation system that will keep your golf course running for years to come?

Automation is the Future

Did you know that fertigation is an automatic system? Which means there is no labor needed and can reduce the amount of fertilizer and water used over time by 50%. Most people over water and underfeed golf courses. Fertigation lightly feeds the plant to promote a healthy green plant. It is no secret that automation is the future for all industry. Because of this, golf courses are having an automatic underground irrigation system. It automatically irrigates the golf course saving time and money.

A professional grade fertigation system for a golf course, over 200 to 500 acres can cost $5,000 to $10,000. But will save the golf course $10,000 to over $50,000 annually. That is a massive saving that many golf courses are taking advantage of.

Golf Courses

Did you know that golf courses have been using fertigation since the 1970s? Many golf course superintendents may think that this is new technology that is hitting the fertilizer world. But that could not be further from the truth. Fertigation has become a valuable practice in areas with sandy or poor soil conditions. It is no secret that golf fertigation systems can save any golf course $10,000 to over $50,000 annually by reducing labor, fertilizer, chemicals, water, and electricity. 

Are you noticing that your golf course is not in the best condition? Perhaps you are noticing that there are many areas where the grass looks bad and in poor condition. If this is the case, fertigation can help. Fertigation has helped restore golf courses with poor quality into top quality golf courses in a few months. Golf fertigation systems are used by many new golf courses under construction to grow the new grass in faster and cheaper than using traditional dry fertilizer.

Experts in Designing Fertigation Systems

There is a battle between fertigation and traditional dry fertilizer programs because many superintendents feel safer to apply high-cost dry fertilizer or spray special liquid fertilizer on regularly.  They do not care about the additional costs and labor. Or may even realize how much dry fertilizer costs to use rather than installing a fertigation system. Nowadays, many top golf courses use fertigation and traditional dry fertilizer combinations.  However, many use a total fertigation program and have top quality.

Contact Turf Feeding Systems Today!

Did you know that here at Turf Feeding Systems, we are a leader in developing fertigation systems for golf courses? We have developed the best solution for golf course fertilizer. Not only do we develop the best fertigation systems for golf courses, but we also develop systems for irrigated landscapes, sports fields, golf courses, resorts, and agriculture. We have worked on systems across the United States and around the world. Because of this, we have the experience and knowledge to ensure that you are receiving the highest quality fertigation systems. Overall, we want our customers to achieve high-quality landscapes while reducing water and costs.

Here at Turf Feeding Systems, we have been a company that delivers sustainability, water efficiency, and soil health. If you are looking to transform your golf course, we are here to help you. All you need to achieve this is to implement our fertigation system. Let us help you today. Reach out to us by dialing (832) 321-3311 or visit our website