Integrated Water Management

An integrated water management approach produces a “triple bottom line” benefits (social, economic and environmental) in an equitable and sustainable manner. Integrated water management creates a flexible, resilient water infrastructure that can respond to a range of scenarios.

Integrated water management considers the urban water cycle as a single integrated system. In which all urban water flows are recognized as potential resources. Integrated water management is practiced through inclusive and jointly planned management of all water systems. Where all waters are resources and are valued and put to use.

Integrated water management for landscapes, golf courses, and sports fields is considering all the factors of the managed area. Integrated water management manages the irrigation water use by factoring in the season, the temperature, the humidity, and the rainfall. To apply the right amount of water needed to support the landscape.

As a result of integrated water management, wastewater is recycled to become drinking water. Stormwater is allowed to soak into the ground. Which supports healthy river flows. That will then provide drinking water and assimilate waste. Because of this, integrated water management is becoming a necessary tool to utilize in today’s world.

Importance of Water Management

Research shows that more than 80% of the U.S. population lives in cities or suburbs. Because of this, urban areas are facing a number of challenges when it comes to water. It is no secret that water is an essential element in our lives. But with the rate, the population is growing. And how drastic the climate is changing, these factors are forcing us to re-evaluate how we manage water. To maintain sustainable access to clean water.

Population growth and climate changes are straining our water supplies. Because of this, communities are needing to manage and use water in smarter ways. That will benefit the community and environment. Because of this, water management has become extremely important.

Importance of Integrated Water Management

It is no secret that parks are an important green space for a community. And it is also no secret that everyone wants to see green parks. Not parks that are dried up with dead grass. But what water is really used to water parks in the city? Research shows that 50% of all drinkable water in most cities goes on lawns. But still, do not provide the nutrients the grass needs to grow. This results in amazing waste and cost. Because of this, irrigation systems are being installed. Irrigation systems allow for nutrients to get into the ground and allow the grass and plants to grow properly.

Most landscapes are overwatered by at least 50% and under fertilizing the grass or landscape. Because of this, fertigation is another factor of why integrated water management is becoming so vital in keeping landscape or grass alive.

Fertigation is Key

Many people may not know that fertigation is an extremely important factor in integrated water management. Fertigation will add nutrients to each drop of water to make it rich with food and make the grass green and growing. The fertigation process and added soil nutrients will grow roots. And make the grass more efficient and need less water. Did you know that fertigation plus healthy grass with deeper roots will use 50% less water? Saving an enormous amount of money and water. This alone is a major advantage, benefit, and factor for integrated water management. Making the landscape greener and grow better using less water. Because of this, many people are turning towards integrated water management.

Many people may not know what fertigation is. Fertigation is the process if injecting liquid fertilizer and soil nutrients into irrigation lines to make irrigation water rich with nutrients. It is used on all types of irrigated areas for golf, sports fields, landscapes, and resorts. A fertigation system is an automatic system of applying fertilizer and water to the ground. Because it is automatic, it is more uniform and is reduces fertilizer and water use by over 50%. Which is why fertigation is an important factor of integrated water management.

How does fertigation work? It is able to reduce fertilizer and water use because it feeds lightly with each irrigation cycle. And feeds the plant, root, and soil. Most people over water and underfeed without realizing it. Many years ago farmers dragged hoses around and used sprinklers to irrigate.  Now every farm, golf course, and sports field has an automatic underground irrigation system. That is able to manage water and fertilizer. Saving an enormous amount of time and money.

Reach out to Turf Feeding Systems Today!

At Turf Feeding Systems, we are a leader in developing fertigation systems for irrigated landscapes, sports fields, golf courses, resorts, and agriculture. It is important to realize that fertigation is a great tool to add to any integrated water management system. Water is important; however, it does not make the grass green or grow. Nutrients through fertigation promote growth and plant health.

Whether your site is a landscape, sports field or a golf course. Fertigation is the most efficient and accurate method to feed the plant and soil. While also managing the amount of water that is being used. Here at Turf Feeding Systems, we have worked on fertigation systems and irrigation systems across the United States and around the world. Because of this, we have the experience and knowledge to ensure that you getting the best system to manage water. While also allowing the ground to grow.

We take pride in the systems that we develop. Overall, we want our customers to achieve high-quality landscapes or crops while reducing water and costs. At Turf Feeding Systems, we are a company that delivers sustainability, water efficiency, and soil health. Let us help you with your integrated water management system today. Reach out to us by dialing (832) 321-3311. Or visit our website to learn more about the products we have to offer.